Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Yesterday was a good day for both of the kids. I won't say that it was perfect, but more closer to hassle-free than we've seen in a long time. According to mommy, little Zay didn't fuss much about being hungry, and even took more naps than usual, which actually gave mommy a bit of a breather! As fun as he is when he's awake, it's a relief for Enz when he does take quality naps. Not sure what it'll take to get this guy full, but there must've been something Enz did yesterday that did the trick!

Kenna, our chatty chatty spitfire, is really into testing her limits. She's already started to climb on top of her toys, mainly to reach up onto the couch to give her sleeping brother a smooch, or to dance along with the kids if Barney's on. Up until now, she's been afraid of the Baby Einstein caterpillar/rocker she got for Christmas. But since she's become our little daredevil, she figured that it would be fun to sit on it and learn to rock back and forth. She also enjoys tormenting the dog, because he's not too fond of the caterpillar. If you've been fortunate to hear her "talk" then you know that when she gets going, it's hard to make her stop. We're just anxious to hear how she sounds when actual words start coming out of her mouth!

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