Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Filipino time?

We had our 39 week appointment yesterday and so far it seems like the little peanut loves the warmth of mommy's belly. It's almost like she knows how bad the weather's been lately, and she'd rather wait until daylight savings time to make her grand entrance. So far she's keeping all of us guessing. The doctor mentioned that Enza's belly has dropped, but she's still holding tight at 1 cm, no pun intended.

At this point, the doctor scheduled our next appointment for early next week. If nothing changes by then, we'll probably look at our options to get the ball rolling, as the doctor doesn't want Enz to go more than 1 week past the due date of March 4th. We're hoping for something big this weekend! We also found out that Auntie B will be going out of town on the 7th, and that would be a huge bummer if she missed out on the birth =(

Enz hasn't really started to feel uncomfortable, much like a majority of pregnant women do during their last few weeks. Although yesterday was probably the first time she complained of discomfort, aside from the regular bouts of heartburn. Keep your fingers crossed, and your phones on-we're praying for a miracle this weekend!

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