The little big man is doing another change up again, this time we can't figure out why. He doesn't appear to have any other teeth coming in at the moment; the two bottom ones are about half way out, and they've changed his look a bit. Of course, whenever you try to pull his lip down to look at them, he just sticks his tongue out anyway, so if you're able to see them, you're lucky! He's been more on the needy side lately, and he lets us know, loudly, if there's something that he's not feeling (although it takes us a while to figure out what's buggin' him). We've tried and tried to get him to play in the jumper, the one Makenna loved to play in, but we can't even get him into it without him screaming bloody murder! UGH! He's a bit more sensitive than Kenna was at this age, so we're gonna have to find things for him to help toughen him up! Hahahaha....
Isaiah doing his best impersonation of The Rock and his "people's eyebrow"
Mommy & Zae chillin' in the back yard
Makenna has developed a strange and mischievous laugh, and we don't know where it came from. It kind of reminds me of the little boy "Gage" from the movie Pet Sematary of years ago, though not quite as eerie! It's a forced, fake laugh, but she knows exactly when and where to use it, and it always gets a reaction from the both of us. Maybe her laugh is just the beginning, a sign of things to come, if you will. Makenna may look like me, but she's got the attitude of a little Enza...
Makenna caught dancing on stage?
Guitar heroes

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