Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Second guesses?

Here's a thought Enz & I have been entertaining this last week. What if we're really having a boy? How would things change for us now that we're in the mindset of having a girl? Enz said that this is a "girl year" since she and almost all her friends that are currently pregnant are all having girls. We'd love to have a little boy too, don't get me wrong. I'd have my second little shadow, the first being Marino of course! And Enz is great with little boys, you can see it when she interacts with our nephews. The thought that our sonographer was wrong with her "analysis" last month is fresh in our heads. Maybe it's because everyone else is having girls? Or maybe it's because Enz is carrying her belly differently? Regardless of the outcome, we're just thankful that we've been blessed.

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