So we were watching the Miami/Chicago game this morning, and of course the Miami defense was playing an awesome game! I was going ape-$hit because the Phins are having one crappy season. Well it seemed like every time the Phins would execute a great play, and I'd go crazy in the process, our little peanut would kick or move in mommy's belly. When I jumped for joy on an interception, she would kick. When I screamed at the tv because of a penalty, she would kick. Now that's not to say that she's a Miami fan, although that probably wouldn't be a bad thing =) But according to
"Loud noises heard often in utero — such as your dog barking or the roar of a vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze your baby when he hears them outside the womb"
Maybe our peanut was just being a little cheerleader? Or maybe she was just reacting to her silly daddy going crazy for this particular game? All we know is that she was enjoying her time awake with her family this lazy Sunday. And needless to say, the Miami Dolphins finally picked up another win this season. Go figure!
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