The kids have been great, and they're both becoming so much more independent. Isaiah's really starting to come out of his shell, though he still has his little "clingy" episodes where he needs the comfort of one of us to calm him down. It normally happens when he's going to be in direct contact with a large group of people, but he's gotten better in that if he's seen you recently, he won't freak out as much as he used to before. Auntie Gina can attest to that! Right now, Isaiah is into cars. It doesn't matter what kind of car, as long as he sees one around, he'll shout out "car!" He loves playing with his cars, he loves riding in cars, he just loves cars and he'll let you know! Another thing he can't seem to live without is his stuffed kitten. It's his favorite stuffed animal at the moment, and when he pulls it out of his crib and parades it around, he's letting us know that he's ready for bed! Don't know how that came about, but it's his new thing and we just rolled with it. Whenever "kitty" comes out, we know he's telling us that he's ready to go down, so it starts off his evening routine. Aside from that, Isaiah's becoming quite the chatterbox. His vocabulary has grown this past month, and he's getting better at calling out things that he knows and recognizes. At the moment, his favorite movie is Wall-E, and both he and Makenna can sit through a good chunk of the movie before getting antsy and looking for other things to get into!
Makenna has been a growing reminder of how we need to watch exactly what we say, and that's the truth! She has recently picked up this new habit of repeating what she's heard, and more than one occasion, she's been called an echo! She seems to do it more when nobody's paying attention to her, or when she wants to be funny. It hasn't gotten her into trouble just yet, but that'll come in time =) She's still fascinated with calling both Enz & myself by our first names, and she knows just when to use our names too. One time when I was home with the kids, I had a sharp pain in my side that took my breath away for a minute. Makenna saw me double over, so she came up to me, tapped me on the arm and said "what's wrong Jer?" in the same tone that Enz would say it to me. And it's not like she was just saying it to say it, she seemed like she knew exactly what she was asking! Of course I started laughing which made the pain go away, but at the same time I thought to myself, "what a little stinker this one is!" She continues to amaze us with her level of understanding when we talk with her. The only time she acts like she doesn't understand is when she's being put in her naughty spot! Then again, what kid truly understands that? Guess it's just all a part of growing up!
Isaiah sporting his fresh new Cars tattoo...
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