Needless to say, the weekend went pretty well. We brought the kids to a Christmas party on Saturday, and both of them made themselves at home with the other kids; more so Makenna since she's little Miss Independent! She found her partner in crime, Brianna, and they took it upon themselves to show just how independent they both are. Isaiah stayed with us & the grown folks, but deep inside he looked as if he wanted to join his sister and the other kids. It won't be long before this little guy is up and running with the "big dogs!" If you've seen him, he's still working on his combat crawl, but he's got it down to a science. He moves so fast from point to point that we find ourselves asking where he is all the time! His cruising skills are coming up as well, as he becomes more and more daring by letting go of the couch every once in a while! We still think he's going to walk before Makenna did, but we really can't tell.
Makenna hit the 21 month mark yesterday, and she's been amazing us with the things she says & does. She has become more inquisitive as of late and will string words together to ask questions. Her favorite question to ask is "where did so and so go," and it's usually Mommy, Daddy, Shi-Shi, puppy, ama (grandma), nonno or nonna. She'll even go so far as to ask when whomever she's "wondering" about is sitting right beside her! I think she just likes to hear herself talk, and hear other people answer her! She's too funny!
Makenna & Mommy show Isaiah how to color
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