For the most part, the weekend was good for Isaiah. It seems that he's gotten over the hump with his acid reflux, and we're still keeping our fingers crossed in hopes that he's seen the worst of it. His new meds have allowed him to eat & sleep more comfortably, which allows us to sleep more comfortably! The extra rest is most evident in Enz, who has managed to maintain her cool through Isaiah's restless week. Good job mommy! Now that he's a bit more agreeable, he's taken to his schedule rather easily, and we pride ourselves in being able to recognize his signs. Isaiah continues to grow aware of his surroundings, and will coo loudly when he's happy. He's really been into observing his active sister as she runs around the house looking for things to get into. Isaiah will even flash you a smile once he recognizes your face!
Makenna's been a little spitfire, then again, that's nothing new. She did, however, say DADDY as clear as day! Talk about a great feeling! She's already mastered saying Dada a long time ago, but yesterday, she surprised the both of us when she said it! She says something that sounds like Isaiah, but hey, half the adults we know can't even say Isaiah correctly anyway, so Makenna's version is just as good! She never really mastered saying mama because she went straight to calling Enz, "mom!"

This past weekend, we noticed just how much the two have bonded. Whenever we put Zay in his swing, or any place where Makenna can reach him, she'll always go over and "talk" to him. It doesn't sound like much, but whatever it is she's saying catches Zay's attention and he listens. He could be sleeping soundly, then she'll wake him up with her chatter, and he'll just stare at her, like he understands. He doesn't mind much, especially if it's his sister that wakes him. It looks as if they're forming the foundation of their brother/sister bond. That or they're plotting against us!

1 comment:
looks like Makenna is really happy to have a baby brother...They are sooo cute...Keep up the blog...
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