After Makenna's first birthday bash, it's been nice to get things back in order at home. Everything leading up to the party was all about preparation, and now it's all about relaxation (well, to some degree that is). For me, work is work, and for Enz, life at home is work! The kids haven't been in the best of spirits lately, and I'm sure it's working Enza's nerves. Kenna had her first year doctor visit, and with that visit came a barrage of shots. YIKES! She was NOT a happy camper, and we think she's still letting us know that! Little Zay has had bouts of uncomfortable gas (he is a Camero) which leave him fussy & irritated. What a handful!
Of course that's just the downside and every now and then it's good to vent. Aside from all the fussiness, both kids are making waves. Zay is becoming more aware of his surroundings and loves to stare at specific things, mainly anything red, which is pretty much all of Kenna's Elmo memorabilia. We found out last night that he really loves to sleep on his tummy, and did a nice three hour stretch without much of a peep. He's able to lift his head & turn it to the other side while sleeping on his belly, so his neck strength is increasing.
the little brother...
Kenna is really enjoying the whole walking thing, and even though she's still stumbling around, she's on her two feet more than she is on her hands and knees. She's been pretty vocal about letting us know that she wants to explore the house, and has sneakily found her way around one of our baby gates. When she does that, we usually hear her chubby little feet slapping the kitchen floor as she makes her way to the refrigerator. She also continues to test her vocal abilities as she chatters away! It's always nice to hear her "speaking" her mind while she's doing her own thing. Sometimes we'll hear what sounds like an actual word and we'll both look at each other with the "did you hear that" look. Can't wait to hear what her real voice sounds like... Happy Wednesday!
staying hydrated and ready to party...

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