"no pictures please, we just woke up"

The life and times of Makenna as she grows through her first year. After only eleven months, we added Isaiah to our family and this will also follow him as he grows through his first year.
One of Makenna's new hair clips (she's letting mommy mess with her hair now!)
Kenna's 1st birthday cupcakes
It's been in the works, but yesterday marked the first day that Makenna really and truly walked on her own! She's been taking steps here and there, and would do so only when she was pushed to do so. But somehow, something lit a fire under her little butt yesterday, almost as if she woke up in the morning determined to "make it on her own." Enz called me during the day to tell me that Kenna walked the entire length of the couch without holding on, and did so numerous times. When I got home, she was already walking across the room, without hesitation. When we took her to visit Nonno & Nonna, she kept on walking! Of course she'd stumble at times, but that's just a fact of life. She'll be running in no time!
Now it's just a matter of keeping her away from things we don't want her walking to!!!