This first week of 2008 has already been new to us. Right before we rang in the new year, little Kenna came down with a cold, which set us back a bit. The cold developed into some minor wheezing in the chest, which the doctor diagnosed as a slight case of asthma, and an ear infection in her left ear. Not necessarily a milestone to jot down in Kenna's calendar, but this was probably the worst she's been in her 10 months. She hadn't been sleeping or eating regularly, which threw off our schedules as well (which can be attributed to why this blog hasn't been updated in a week). Nevertheless, the doctor prescribed the little one with meds to help counter her ailments. After a day of the meds, Kenna is on the road to recovery, of course getting Daddy sick in the process =(
Mommy has been hanging in there like a trooper, and hopefully this bug passes her by, especially with Baby Coconut's due date rapidly approaching. At press time, we are only a month away, February 5 to be exact. I still think he'll arrive early, so we'll see. We're also in the process of getting the new baby room ready, but much like other stuff this year, we're lagging on that. Once I get over this bug, I'll have the energy and motivation to get things done. For now, its all about resting and getting prepared for "the unknown." I mean, sure, we've been through it before, but not with a toddler in tow. Let's see how things pan out for us in these next coming months. I'm sure we'll be hitting all of you up for some kind of help, one way or another =)
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