Little Makenna isn't so little anymore! Her appointment went well yesterday, aside from the flu shot & blood test, she handled everything like a trooper. She didn't really care for the shots, then again, what kid does? The blood test wouldn't have been so bad, but I think Kenna was bothered by the finger squeezing action. Anyway, here are Kenna's new measurements: she is 28 inches long, which puts her in the 70th percentile for height, and she weighs 21 pounds, which puts her in the 75th percentile for weight. Her dome measured around 44.5 cm (big head=big brain). The doctor said she looked really good and that she's thinned out substantially from her last appointment. She was previously in the 95th percentile for weight, so all that cardio she's been doing has been paying off! This weekend she gets to attend her very first Camero Christmas party, so that should be tons of fun for the not so little one!
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