The 4th Annual Camero Christmas party was yet another success, and it appeared that a great time was had by all. Enz & I worked furiously into Saturday afternoon to get everything in order before the party began, and I commended her on a job well done! This year, the dynamic of the party seemed to have changed a little, for obvious reasons. A few people even mentioned that there were more kids & less drinking this year than previous years. Ain't that the truth!
This year, we had a visit from the jolly old fat man himself, Santa Claus, and what a treat that was! Almost all of the kids were a bit apprehensive of Santa, and a few even chose not to sit on his lap. The ones that were brave enough to sit on his lap, had the blank stare of confusion or fear on their faces. One brave little soul, Emily Mock, was the first one to encounter Santa, and seemed to be in awe of his presence. She couldn't believe he was in front of her, in the flesh, and she rattled off the list of toys that she wanted for Christmas! Elliott was another brave one, although it took a little more convincing to get him to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what he wanted. All in all, Santa's visit was a fun experience, and I suspect that it will become a tradition as this group of kids grows older.
Santa and Makenna
Santa and Emily
Santa and Elliott
Santa and Brianna
Santa and Kevan