Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Calgon take me away...

Yesterday was not a good day for the Camero ladies. Kenna had some unknown issues and acted like a little pill on Mommy's day off. Poor Enz had to listen to Kenna cry, and even though she was home with her, it just seemed as if nothing would calm the little one down. Was Enza's milk bad? Was Makenna teething? Who knew? Enz just did her best to keep Makenna from going crazy. Apparently she wasn't staying asleep during her naps, and even when Enz held her she was a little fussy.

When I got home, I could tell Enz needed a break, and Kenna looked exhausted. Why wouldn't she be? She hadn't caught a decent nap all day, and I'm sure the crying and fussiness made matters worse. She calmed down just a bit when she saw me, but whenever I'd leave the room, the water works would start again! I guess we can attribute it to yet another developmental stage?

Kenna's also realized that she can turn anywhere and anytime. Even when she's down for a nap in her crib, we'll find that she's turned over onto her belly. Then she'll get frustrated because she can't return to her back! That, in turn (no pun intended), will make her even more cranky! What a vicious cycle... Oh well, it's the middle of the week, so time to get over the hump. Hopefully this mood swing is just temporary and the rest of the week is downhill...

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