Although the day has come & gone, the memories of Isaiah's first Halloween will never be forgotten! For starters, our little monkey was, well, a little monkey! As with many kids his age, he didn't know what to make of his costume. I know he was hot in it because I was sweating just watching him try to move around in it!
Makenna was our little butterfly this year, and without realizing it, we kept her in the same "theme" as her first Halloween (last year she was a bumblebee). Who knows what she'll be next year?
We didn't go trick or treating this year, but we did pay visits to the grandparents. Those trips netted a lot of candy anyway. Add that to what we had leftover from giving out treats at our house, and we've got enough candy to keep us fat and happy until next Halloween! Besides, the kids aren't eating much of that stuff at this time, so it's more for
Enz & me =) Not many trick-or-
treaters this year, although there were a handful more than last season. Even
Marino had his share of kids, as he got out a couple of time to greet the numerous ghosts, ghouls & witches that showed up at our door. While Isaiah lay crashed out in his crib,
Makenna stayed up to help hand out candy, and had a great time seeing all the different costumes and "talking" to all the kids! We're definitely looking forward to next year when Halloween will have more meaning to these little ones!
Isaiah the monkey and Makenna the butterfly

Our little monkey man was sweating in his costume...

Even with wings,
Makenna couldn't fly

Mommy strikes a pose with her little ones

Isaiah's first pumpkin

Elmo paid
Makenna an unexpected visit