Sunday was Nonno's birthday and the kids got to spend more time with their cousins and aunts and uncles. It's funny how Isaiah can be so calm and relaxed around strangers one day, then be the polar opposite around family the next day. For the most part, he was ok, but when there's too much fuss around him, and he can't see his Mommy or me, he gets a little anxious. When Mommy's around, his world is complete and he's at ease with everyone else. Strange how that works... And of course, Kennaroo fell into the groove with her cousins, and everyone else for that matter! She did have a couple of instances where her "terrible-twos" attitude reared it's ugly head, but we just dealt with it until she calmed down. I can't imagine what the little big man will be like when he gets to that stage, especially since he's been so different than Kenna. Hopefully God give us the strength and patience to deal with his outbursts too!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Another party weekend!
Sunday was Nonno's birthday and the kids got to spend more time with their cousins and aunts and uncles. It's funny how Isaiah can be so calm and relaxed around strangers one day, then be the polar opposite around family the next day. For the most part, he was ok, but when there's too much fuss around him, and he can't see his Mommy or me, he gets a little anxious. When Mommy's around, his world is complete and he's at ease with everyone else. Strange how that works... And of course, Kennaroo fell into the groove with her cousins, and everyone else for that matter! She did have a couple of instances where her "terrible-twos" attitude reared it's ugly head, but we just dealt with it until she calmed down. I can't imagine what the little big man will be like when he gets to that stage, especially since he's been so different than Kenna. Hopefully God give us the strength and patience to deal with his outbursts too!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
More pumpkin patch fun...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Our silly kids...
And who can forget our little ham?! I've said it before & I'll keep saying how much we enjoy her personality and how she's able to entertain us with her antics. She continues to surprise us with her growing level of understanding, and she's beginning to associate people and things with their names more. Whenever I call home, she knows that it's Dada, or when she hears her brother, she automatically calls out "Shee-shee," which is her attempt at saying Zae-Zae! She knows Marino as puppy, and never ever forgets Mommy =) She's been very cautious of her little brother as of late, and loves to sit with him whenever he's crawling around. Of course there are times where she'll play the role, and just torment Isaiah just to make him cry. And by the time we get to them, she's already trying to make his stop crying! Oh the fun we're having!!! Happy Wednesday!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Fun @ the pumpkin patch!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Early to bed, early to rise?
Happy Friday from the kids who have somehow transitioned into early birds. This past week the internal clocks have changed in both kids, and now they're both getting up earlier than normal. To be honest, it's nothing new with Isaiah since he's always been an early riser. With Makenna though, she's always been a really good sleeper, and sometimes we'll have to wake her to keep her from oversleeping! I guess it just makes a difference when both kids are up early. That's not to say that they're whiny & needy in the AM, we just need to be wary of having to make sure they're taken care of while getting ready ourselves. For me, it's not much of a hassle since I'm up & out of the house on the early side. For Enz, it's a whole different ball game when she's trying to get ready while having to handle both of the babies. We're hoping it's just a phase and that it'll work itself out soon. If it becomes more of a permanent thing, then we'll have to reassess & just roll with it. Happy Friday & have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hump Day
Monday, October 13, 2008
Another fun weekend...
The rest of the weekend was pretty much family time, as we continued on our cleanup efforts at home. We sometimes dread the days where we can dedicate time to getting the house in order - we never know what we'll find! Makenna likes leaving things everywhere, and we've been fortunate not to find food or any other surprises hidden amongst the mess. There are still a few other projects we need to get on around the house, but that just means we'll turn it upside down again while we work on it, and who knows how long it'll take to get it back in order...
Yesterday, after the kids took their naps, we took advantage of the great weather and had a little outing. Nothing spectacular, just spent the afternoon people watching @ Santana Row. Both the kids were wide-eyed as they took in the tail end of the Farmer's Market, as well as all the hustle and bustle in the area. There were a lot of dogs out yesterday, and Makenna made sure to point out every one of them and shout "puppy" whenever she saw one. Isaiah had a blast crawling on the lawn outside Maggiano's. We still trip out that it's synthetic lawn, and the kids don't know the difference, nor do they care! The little guy was crawling all over the place, and was even bold enough to practice standing up on his own (while balancing against his stroller, of course). Makenna just ran around and around until she wore herself out. After that, we called it a day. The kids were spent after their little outing & both retired with relative ease.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Big sister Makenna has been equally as happy, especially now that Mommy has a lot of holiday decorations throughout the house. Right now, she's into the "helpful" stage where she wants to get her hands on everything just so she can help out. She knows where things go too. When I get home, I usually give her my wallet so she can put it on my nightstand. She knows that her shoes should go by the door. She knows that every night before bedtime, she needs to help out & put her toys away. It's hard to believe that she's rapidly approaching the two-year mark. Whew, where did all the time go? Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Hump Day...
Makenna has "graduated" to a single nap nowadays, and there are even times where she acts as if she doesn't need one at all. Her vocabulary has grown to the point where we stopped counting how many words she knows, although she still has her own language. She likes to "ask" questions in her language, and will wait patiently for an answer. If it's the right one, she'll smile, if it's the wrong one, she'll ask again. Where does she learn this stuff??
Isaiah practicing how to stand up on his own
Monday, October 06, 2008
Non-stop weekend...
Aside from the chores and errands we normally do on our days off, this weekend we took the kids to two family birthday parties. While neither party was overwhelming, there was just enough action and excitement to tire our two little ones out. Isaiah has been a bit on the touchy side this weekend, and it's mainly due to the new teeth that are cutting in. Although they're not molars, he's letting us know that he's uncomfortable, and it seems that he can only find real comfort in either mommy or me. The bad part is that he'll wake up early (or should I say, earlier than normal) and he'll fuss around in his crib as he tries to soothe himself back to sleep. He's getting better at calming himself down, but it's a lot harder when he's in pain. The discomfort will pass soon enough, so for now, we'll just have to hold our breath until it does.
Makenna was in her own little world at both birthday parties, enjoying anything and everything she could get her hands on. She's at a great age where she's becoming more observant of her surroundings, and learning lots of new words in the process. She's also started her own version of "people watching," and it's so funny to watch her as she watches others. It's as if you can see her brain at work as she tries to make sense of what she sees. Her personality is coming out more and we've gotten many compliments on how outgoing she appears to be. When we hear stuff like that, we're both in a state of shock at how quickly our daughter is growing. It won't be too long before Isaiah gets to this point!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Happy October
The little big man is having a ball on his own, especially now that he can breathe freely again. We noticed that he's got another set of teeth coming in right beside his top two front teeth (which aren't fully out yet). His entire look is already starting to change with the addition of all the white in his mouth. He loves to happily gnaw on anything and everything he gets his hands on, and now that he's more mobile, we really have to be on our toes. It doesn't help that Makenna just hands everything over to him, but what can we do?! We just need to be extra wary of what Isaiah's doing and what he has in his hands.
Makenna has learned to let us know of her "bodily functions," and we're pretty jazzed about that. It looks like she's getting ready to go into the potty training phase of her development, and we hope that she picks up on that easily. She's been into "helping" out around the house, especially since she's gotten over her fear of the vacuum! I guess she just got used to the sound of it because we've had a lot of cleanup work to do around the house with the recent fireplace project. She's not much into the regular vacuum cleaner, but she likes messing with the shop-vac. What's the difference??? It's all good, we can hand this chore off to her since she likes it so much! Happy October!