Isaiah's goofy little smirk

The life and times of Makenna as she grows through her first year. After only eleven months, we added Isaiah to our family and this will also follow him as he grows through his first year.
Kenna's new hawaiian outfit - she couldn't wait to try it on!
Saturday, we took the kids to a birthday party at the park. Jake was celebrating his 2nd birthday, and had a big bash which both kids enjoyed. Isaiah entertained everyone with his contagious little laugh! We've heard it before, but never in this magnitude, as Zae continued to laugh whenever he was hit with a balloon (I'll post the video sometime soon). He enjoyed being out, especially around a lot of people with a lot of noise. We've noticed that he appears to have a bit of separation anxiety, and will look around almost frantically if either myself or Enz aren't nearby. It's funny because Makenna isn't like that, but hey, two different personalities...
Makenna loved playing on the playground, even though she's still a little apprehensive about going down the slide on her own. But once Mommy convinced her to go down together, she was all for it, and kept wanting to go up and then down! I think she wore Mommy out! Kenna continues to be her own little free spirit, and will have a blast playing by herself. At one point, she was playing with some balloons, having a good old time, and upon hearing her laughter, a couple of older kids (around 8 or 9 years old) kept her company. She likes playing with bigger kids, probably because she's around more adults than children her own age!
Our little Mak monster continues to add more words to her vocabulary. We've noticed how she's become a lot more observant of her surroundings, and how she tries so hard to let us know when she recognizes something. It's fun to have a conversation with her because she listens so intently, and if we say something she doesn't agree with, she'll pause before saying "no." It's like she has to let us know she's thinking before giving us the definitive answer! This one is going to give us trouble in the near future... Have a great weekend!
Virgie gets a hold of Isaiah
Makenna pulls Isaiah away from one of "her" toys
Zae boy was in a great mood all weekend. Even on Sunday, when he didn't nap much, and we took him out to visit everyone, he was all smiles - for the most part =) He loves to be outdoors, and will not normally fuss when we're outside. It's when we're cooped up indoors that he gets a little stir crazy. Aside from some new movement in his gums, and his stomach issues, he was very cheerful, and even allowed us to get a great shot of him showing off his first two teeth!
Little Mak was also cheery, but her sunny disposition didn't last all weekend =( While she had a blast swimming on Saturday, she wasn't quite as cheerful as the weekend wore down. Yesterday, her last few teeth were coming in, and they were coming in hard. Not quite sure what she's got going on, but it looks like one of her molars is busting through, making for a very cranky child. It's hard not to get frustrated when everything you do doesn't seem to help. The flare up eventually calmed down, and she was able to end her weekend on a mellow note. She's only got a couple of choppers left, and once those are in, then we can say "adios" to her teething pain!
monkeying around like brothers and sisters do
Later that day, we took a drive out to Alameda for the christening and maiden voyage of Uncle Sal's new sailboat "Taverna." Congratulations to Uncle Sal for seeing his dream come to fruition! We all had a great time taking his new baby for a "spin," and hopefully we can do it again soon. It'll be fun to get the boat out in the open water with the sails up. For now, we settled for a cruise around the estuary, but that in itself was a great little ride!
Captain Sal at the helm anxiously awaiting the maiden voyage on the Taverna
First mate???