Isaiah had his 2 month appointment last Friday, and that came with a series of shots. UGH! The little guy wasn't too thrilled with the shots, but it's just another part of growing up. Judging by the way he handled the initial shock, we made sure we were prepared for the coming night. Sure enough, he was very uncomfortable, and woke up screaming in the wee hours of the morning. Poor guy =( He's ok now, we hope, and here are his numbers just so you can see how much he's grown these past two months. Isaiah currently weighs 13 pounds, 2 ounces which puts him in the 95th percentile for weight. What? Hehehe, must be that healthy appetite of his! He's also 22 inches long, which puts him in the 25th percentile for height. Go figure, neither one of his parents are tall, so hopefully his height will eventually catch up to his weight. His head circumference was around 41 cm, placing him in the 75th percentile for head size. Much like his big sister, we're hoping that the big head means a big brain! Nevertheless, little Zay is little no more! We compared his numbers with that of Kenna's 2 month figures, and he's right up there where she was. He's taken her in weight by about half a pound, and came up an inch short (no pun intended) in height.
Aside from that, it seems that Isaiah is going through a bit of a change. He's able to sleep through a good portion of the night with an occasional outburst here and there as he searches for his pacifier. He's been eating more, as well as more frequently, obviously. He's also been taking more notice of Kenna as she scurries around the house. His eyes have been focusing intently on her, but he can't move them as fast as our little speed demon can walk! Zay's been making new noises as well, but will still make a meowing sound like a cat when he wants attention, and he'll also snort like a pig when he's hungry!
Who can resist that face?
Zay's shirt says it all...

Kenna has been all personality lately, and spends most of her time up on her feet. She seems tireless as she explores beyond the confines of what we affectionately call her "gated community." Those who've seen it, know exactly what we're talking about! At times she gets overly excited with her "freedom" and we find that she's face planted into the couch, or tumbled over her toys. Unless it's something major, she usually just dusts herself off and continues on. She's had a couple of bad spills, but none that have required immediate medical attention (keeping fingers crossed). For now, she loves cruising around the house in search of things to get into. She loves to test our patience to see just how much she can get away with before one of us takes notice. And like any other mischievous child, she immediately runs away when she hears those parental footsteps! It's fun, but it's exhausting, and we both know this is only the beginning....
Kenna representin' the Phins
Kenna showing her support for JT on Dancing With The Stars...