We're planning on taking her to see Santa Claus this weekend, so that in itself should be interesting. We're wondering how she'll react to the jolly old fat man, and we're hoping for a decent reaction, although we're not ruling out the possibility that she may be terrified! Either way, it should make for some great video footage. For now, enjoy this little clip and have a great weekend!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Makenna being silly
We're planning on taking her to see Santa Claus this weekend, so that in itself should be interesting. We're wondering how she'll react to the jolly old fat man, and we're hoping for a decent reaction, although we're not ruling out the possibility that she may be terrified! Either way, it should make for some great video footage. For now, enjoy this little clip and have a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Happy Hump Day!
Monday, November 26, 2007
First holiday weekend...

The day after Thanksgiving, we followed our yearly tradition of picking out our Christmas tree. This year Enz wasn't interested in getting the tallest tree, but she was in search of the fattest tree, and I think we found it! We spent the majority of the day and much of the weekend decorating the tree & the house. It's all the same every year, but being Makenna's first Christmas made the decorating much more meaningful.

And on a side note, we have approximately 10 weeks left until Baby #2 (coconut) graces us with his/her presence. We're both very nervous & excited, so much so that we may vomit....
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Makenna sorts her laundry
Monday, November 19, 2007
Fun-filled Weekend!
Yesterday morning Makenna surprised us both with her "real crawl!" I caught a short glimpse of it on video, and if you listen, you can hear the both of us loudly cheering her on, almost as if she was in the final stretch of a marathon! While it may not be that big a deal to others, it sure shocked the hell out of us! Now its only a matter of time before we see her taking her first steps...

On Sunday, we brought Makenna to the 2nd birthday celebration of Marcos, and although it was a little chilly, she had a great time at the playground. We had her bundled up like she was headed for the snow. She didn't know any different anyway, and kept on enjoying herself. She had fun on the slide as well as the children's swings. It'll be much more fun in the near future when she's able to run around and get through the playground on her own!

Friday, November 16, 2007
Makenna in a basket..

Welcome Kaelyn Ellagrace Cunanan!

CONGRATULATIONS to our friends The Cunanan Family and the arrival of their baby girl
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hump Day...
Anyway, as I've mentioned before, we're pretty fortunate that Makenna isn't afraid of Marino, or that Marino isn't jealous of Makenna. Its not like he has any say in the matter, but we always try to make sure that he still gets lots of attention as well. The two get along fine as this video shows more interaction between the two. I was merely the mediator in case Marino felt like licking Makenna to death! I didn't realize Enza was catching it on video, I thought she was taking a picture!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Another relaxing weekend...

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
"I'm 8 months old today!"

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Another cold for the little one...

She's into one of her new toys, which is a "Sing-a-long stage" as seen above. Its activated by the different buttons which represent different instruments, as well as the "magic" microphone she has in her hand. She can sit in front of that thing for a long stretch without getting bored, especially since it has a mirror on it, and she loves to watch herself-what a narcissist! Hehehe! Its probably one of her favorite toys, and I'll even find myself trying to master the sounds on it (while I'm playing with her of course!) It keeps her occupied, and at the same time, keeps her out of trouble! Even though she's not at 100%, her new toy seems to keep her happy =)

Sunday, November 04, 2007
Kenna stands up by herself!
Now, we obviously think this is a great milestone, a great accomplishment for the little one. What we're not seeing, or maybe we're just not quite ready to see, is the fact that this may rapidly lead to Makenna taking her first steps, which means she may be walking soon... YIKES! As if it wasn't hard enough chasing her around while she's crawling! But maybe we're jumping the gun a little too soon? All we know is that since she's around her cousins a lot, she's constantly trying to do what they do. I'm sure it'll be fun to have Kenna walking around, but wow, time is moving sooooo fast!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Kenna's first Halloween
Afterwards, it was over to Nonno & Nonna's house where Makenna was able to play for a bit with the kids, Elliott the lion, Wesley the cow, & fellow bumblebee Joya. Its always difficult to snap a photo when all the kids are looking at the same camera, so we all did our best to capture the moment. Kenna got yet another bag of goodies from Nonno & Nonna, but we all know that Enz & I will dip into it (for safety reasons, hahaha).
After being out for a few hours, the little one let us know that she was ready to call it an evening, so we brought her home. It was still early enough for some kids, but no one rang our doorbell. Oh well, more chocolate for the Camero family I guess! By this time, Kenna was out of her costume and was just about ready for bed. She was getting a little fussy, so rather than dressing her back up and dealing with any unnecessary crying, we opted to take her picture with her first pumpkin out of costume. She really enjoyed her pumpkin, and we had to keep her from tipping it over as she playfully pounded on it. All in all, it was a terrific first Halloween for the little one!