Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Kenna says Mama!

Kenna's new word is Mama, and although she still isn't saying it on command, she does say it every now and then. We first heard her say it this past weekend, and she's been saying it for the last couple of days, mixed in with her normal chant of dada =) We're pretty sure her next word will be Marino, since she hears his name more than anything. Who knows? Maybe "mama" is her first attempt at saying Ma-rino? At least she called for her mommy before calling out for her pup =)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Happy Monday!
Here's a little video clip to start the week off right. Its one of Kenna as she cracks up at my expense. I never realized how much beating myself up could make the little one laugh! Enjoy & Happy Monday!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Getting over the hump...

Makenna's new thing is noticing scents, especially from food. If we've eaten something sweet, and its on our breath, Kenna notices. If one of us is holding her, she'll immediately plant her mouth on our lips to get a taste of what it is! It comes across as a kiss, but we know better. She's just trying to get a jump start on eating real food! How smart is that?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
More Dada
So my computer took a dump yesterday & I wasn't able to update the blog. Now I'm back up and running, so I'll do my best this week to get all caught up.
For starters, Makenna just keeps on growing. She's graduated to the larger containers of baby food & will begin the fruit stage later this week. We're both sure that she'll enjoy that, without a doubt. Her top two teeth are starting to poke through her gums, and we think that's the reason why she hasn't been eating like the hoover she's become! She hasn't had a problem eating her veggies, but once those teeth started poking through, she's become a little more fussy. Hopefully that phase will pass when those teeth are in. She still loves to call for her Daddy, and we're constantly hearing her through the monitor whispering "dadada" to herself before busting out in song =) Someday soon she'll be able to say "mama."
On another note, Enz has been feeling baby #2 move around a lot more. So much so, that she started to feel some kicks. Sunday was the first time I was able to feel the baby kick, and it was just like we started over again. Then again, it wasn't but about a year ago that we were going through the exact same stuff. We'll keep you posted on more of baby #2's development. Now that Enz has reached the 6 month mark, it's starting to feel a little more real. Hmmmmm.....
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy Friday!
So another week has passed, and little Kenna continues to prove that she's going to be an independent one in the near future. She's learning things very quickly and we attribute a lot of that to her cousins Elliott & Wesley. Maybe its her desire to play with the both of them whenever she sees them, but whatever it is has her picking up on things quickly and easily. As promised, here's a short video clip of Kenna as she practices her finger dexterity with Cheerios. Both of us were so proud, and it was for something so simple. Go figure! Happy Friday & have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Stand Up!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Happy Hump Day!

Now that Kenna is on the move, she prefers playing on the ground to being in her activity center, or even sitting up playing with her toys. Once she gets down, its off to the races so to speak, and we're constantly having to pick her up and turn her in another direction. Her favorite places to go are towards the tv (obviously), and also towards the sliding glass door. She already crawled into the glass on more than one occasion, and the thumps on the head haven't phased her yet. I always said it would be fun to see her crawling around, little did I know the consequences of when it would actually take place! And who'd a thought it would be happening so soon?!

*this post was late due to the site being down yesterday*
Monday, October 15, 2007
Makenna's Baptism
Thanks to our families for helping to make this special event memorable, and an extra special Thank You to Rick, Merr, Dennis & Sarah for graciously accepting the resposibility in guiding Kenna with her spiritual growth!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Social Butterfly

Yesterday was a full day for the little one, as Mommy brought her over to Daddy's work to visit for lunch. What a way to break up another monotonous day at the salt mine! It had been a couple of months since she last visited, so my co-workers were all amazed at her size. As I took her around the office, she marveled at all the new things to look at, and some new faces as well. She warmed up to a few people so quickly, that I found it hard to get her back!
She then spent the afternoon with Grandma, as we went in for our monthly appointment for Baby Coconut. All went well, and we had another chance to listen to baby coco's heartbeat. It was so mellow & rhythmic, nothing like the "hard house" beat of Makenna's! They scheduled our hospital appointment, so barring any unforseen circumstances, baby #2 will be born on February 5, 2008. Keep your fingers crossed! We still have to wait until December to find out what we're having, so we'll let everyone know then.
Kenna's day ended up at cousin Cole's 3rd birthday. We normally don't have Kenna out past her bedtime, especially on a school night, but we made an exception. Kenna wasted no time hanging out with all the grown-ups as well as all the kids. While we stayed for only an hour or so, Kenna kept going strong, posing for pictures, waving hi & bye, just having a grand old time! Needless to say, we had no problems putting her down for the night!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
She keeps on growing...

She's still working at mastering the crawling motion, and even though she's not that quick, she still moves faster than expected. Yesterday she ended up in front of the dvd player, and I caught her reaching up for the buttons! Ahhh, the makings of a little troublemaker!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Cousin Wesley's First Birthday

Friday, October 05, 2007
Kenna crawls for Barney! Happy Friday!
She's picked up on how to roll from belly to back and vice versa, as well as spinning on her belly to change directions. The next natural step would be for her to begin crawling, and even though she's been working on her "army crawl," she's finally realizing that her legs need to do some of the work! We were fortunate enough to catch this little "glimpse of things to come" on video. She still has some work to do, but you can see the foundation of what looks to be a very active little child! Enjoy & Happy Friday!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Middle of the week...

We're slowly introducing Cheerios for her to try out. In fact, when we gave her one to eat yesterday, she gave us the "bitter beer face" probably due to the new texture in her mouth. Of course the cereal itself is pretty bland, but its not like we've given her lavish gourmet meals just yet either. At this point, all she knows is that the Cheerios go in her mouth. It'll be more fun to watch her in the coming months, as she gains more of her finger dexterity to be able to pick these things up and feed herself!
As for our "baby coconut," everyone keeps asking if we know the sex of the baby, and the answer is still no. We haven't done the sccond ultrasound yet, and we don't have an appointment scheduled to do so. I'm sure we'll know more by next week since Enz is due for her monthly checkup. Hopefully we can set something up soon so we can determine if this will be a junior or juniorette! For now, Enz has been playing baby coco some music in the evenings, much like she did for Kenna. The baby responds, but tends to be a lot more mellow than the energizer bunny we currently have at home =) Stay tuned, and Happy Hump Day!