B) This outfit doesn't fit her anymore!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Reluctantly supporting the Raiders...
B) This outfit doesn't fit her anymore!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Belly crawling...

Lately, we've seen great changes in the little one. Yesterday the both of us were playing with Kenna and we noticed just how persistent she's become. She has pretty much mastered going from a sitting up position to a crawling stance. From the crawling position, she knows how to get where she needs to go, even though she hasn't quite learned how to coordinate her legs & arms in order to actually crawl.
Last night though, we heard her grunting and pushing so we kept a watchful eye on her as she attempted to move forward towards her toys. She tried rolling over and spinning on her belly, but neither one of those attempts took her in the right direction. That's when she did it-she started to crawl forward, little by little. She hasn't picked up on it yet, but by the looks of it, she should be extremely mobile very soon! For now, she's practicing her army crawl, and once I get a chance, I'll catch that on video.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Dada's Little Girl
On a different but equally exciting note, Enza finally felt Baby Coconut "flutter" last night! What made this extra special was that the fluttering went on for most of the evening after dinner, and well into the night. Enza was actually beginning to wonder why she hadn't been able to feel this baby, especially since she's hit the 20 week mark. Our next appointment isn't for another couple of weeks, so the fact that she hadn't distinctly felt the baby move made her worry just a little bit. After last night, our little coconut erased all doubts by making his/her presence known! Maybe it was the hamburger Mommy ate for lunch? Hmmm, another beef eater-looks like we'll be having another big one! Happy Hump Day!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007
I'm a big kid, look what I can do...

Sunday we met up with some friends for breakfast, and this was the first time they got to meet Kenna. Sure they've seen pictures and heard stories, but this time they actually got to see Kenna in person, hold her & play with her. It took Kenna all but two minutes to warm up to them! Since Kenna has gone through a major growth spurt as of late, and now that she's capable of sitting up on her own, we put her in a high chair for the first time at breakfast. Initially she sat in the chair and stared at it, but after a minute or two, it was like she was at home and she just went about her business.
Later that day, we took her to the store and figured that since she was big enough to sit in a high chair, the same should apply to a shopping cart. Sure enough, she enjoyed the ride! The first thing she did, as do all kids around her age, was try to put her mouth on the handle of the cart! YUCK! Once we strapped her in, she wasn't able to reach the handle and just sat back and minded her own business as we pushed her through the store. Seeing her grow so fast is making us worry that we won't be quite as prepared for the next one. The time is moving so fast, and since we're so involved with watching Kenna go through all these new stages, we sometimes forget that there's another one on the way!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Kenna's first full day with Grandma
We'll admit, both Enz & I were a bit apprehensive at first. I mean, c'mon now, it's been well over 35 years since my mom has had the responsibility of raising a baby. So it was safe to say that she suffered from a bit of "ring rust" if you will. Our biggest reservation was that we didn't want her to change up Makenna's routine, especially since Makenna's been really good about doing things the same, day in and day out. But my mom was able to follow through and with Makenna being in such a great mood, it made it that much easier for us to put our guard down.
With that, now we can ease my mom into more and more responsibilities as Kenna continues to grow. We're counting on both of Makenna's grandmothers now more than ever because Baby Coconut will be with us sooner than we think! Happy Friday and have a terrific weekend!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Makenna likes oatmeal
Anyway, she's enjoying the change up in different cereals, and she'll hopefully continue to do so for the next couple of weeks until we begin the veggie introduction. For now, here's a short video of Kenna as she enjoys the taste and texture of oatmeal. Happy Hump Day!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Change in weather...

Aside from being football day on Sunday, we took Makenna for a morning walk. It was a lot cooler than the past few days, so we bundled her up like we were taking her up to the snow! She loved wearing the beanie, and to our surprise, she enjoyed the mittens as well, even though she's got a scowl on her face that would lead us to believe otherwise! The rest of day was pretty easy with Kenna as she wasn't feeling all too well to begin with. But even though she was congested, she was still able to keep us entertained with her happy disposition!

Friday, September 14, 2007
Rice, Rice Baby!
Most of the time, she had the "bitter beer face" look, probably because she was trying to figure out what kind of slop Mommy was feeding her! According to Enz, she did a lot better this morning so if her attitude permits, I'll try to post a happier video at a later time. For now, enjoy, & Happy Friday!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Daddy's Girl for sure!
Its very enjoyable to see how curious she's become while trying to imitate what Mommy & Daddy do. What's even more enjoyable was the sound that she made yesterday on her own, and it wasn't a fluke! On more than one occasion, and in front of witnesses, Kenna busted out with "da-da-da-da!" I didn't believe it until I heard it, and it wasn't even left to interpretation. It was clear as day, she said "da-da." Both grandmothers heard it, as well as Enz & myself. And with that, we're just waiting to hear her say "ma-ma" next!
Tale of the Tape

So in regards to her current status, here are her numbers. At six months of age, she weighs in at a healthy 19 pounds, putting her in the 97th percentile for her weight. Yeah, apparently we starve this kid! She is 26 inches long, which places her in the 50th percentile for her height. Both her mommy & I aren't exactly "towering" figures, so for her to be in the "average height" group isn't too big a deal. Finally her head circumference was something like 43.5 cm, which is in the 75th percentile. Big head = big brain?
She had another series of shots as well, and of course those put her over the top. She wasn't too thrilled with the oral vaccine she took, and the shots in the legs didn't help any either. She didn't cry for too long, which was good since she was going to spend some time with grandma. We dropped her off to stay with grandma for a couple of hours while Enza & I visited the doctor regarding baby #2. All in all, this was a good day for Makenna. We're starting the solids tonight so hopefully we'll have some great footage of little Kenna making a big mess! Stay tuned...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Give Me 5
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Brighter Side of Kenna

It was just a normal weekend, and Kenna was in a GREAT mood! After a week or so of her fussiness, it was a welcome change to see her laughing, smiling & playing without much of a whiny peep. I'm sure there will be more days like that in the near future, but for now, we've had a chance to catch our breath and enjoy the happier side of Kenna! What a relief!
Saturday evening, we paid a visit to Auntie Gina & Uncle Jason's place as they were having a little get-together. While we stayed for only a couple of hours, and well into Makenna's bedtime, she didn't show any signs of wanting to leave. She hammed it up for the camera, and was in awe of the new surroundings. Once we got her in the car though, it was lights out! And even though she was up past her bedtime, she woke up bright-eyed & bushy-tailed early the next day, ready for her morning stroll.

Friday, September 07, 2007
Makenna is 6 months old today!

We breathed a giant sigh of relief last night! WHEW! Kenna was a bit more calm and relaxed, and we were able to put her down for the night without much of a fight. Grandma came by for dinner and some quality time with her little angel, probably tiring her out in the process. She also got to see Kenna as she enjoyed bath time. As we prepare to start the little one on solids, we're having her join us at the dinner table in her high chair. Grandma had a great time watching Kenna watch us, and she did so last night without any fuss. She seems so interested in what we're eating, and all of us are anxious to see her initial reaction to having something other than milk! Happy Friday everyone!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Much more of the same...

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Long Weekend

We started sitting her up in her stroller and she's loving it. We probably could've done it a little earlier, but she never really made a peep about being in her carrier, so we let her ride that one out. As she sits facing forward in her stroller, we see just how curious she is as she takes in all the sights from her new vantage point!
On Sunday, we spent the first part of the day relaxing from Saturday. All that excitement wore us out! In the evening, we went and hung out with the Arbolantes so the little cousins could have some time together. It was still fairly warm throughout the afternoon and into the evening, and we took all the kids for an afternoon stroll to the park. We put Makenna in one of the swings and she loved it, although it got old really fast for her! She was still tired from the day before, and we know that if we put her in the swing earlier, she would've love to stay in it longer. Oh well, baby steps...
Labor Day turned out to be just that for us, as Kenna did not have a good day. It felt like we had to do so much work, not only to keep her entertained, but to keep her from acting so fussy. Not sure if it was the heat, the fatigue, or if it was her teeth, but whatever it was, kept her from being her usual smiley self. Everyone is entitled to an off day every now and then, and we know this won't be her last, but we're hoping it will be her last one for a while! She didn't want to nap, she didn't want to sleep, she didn't even want to play. It was just one of those days where she didn't want to be alone. She finally went down for the night, but it took time & effort from the both of us to get her to ultimately tire herself out. It's hard seeing her like this, but guess it's just a fact of life... C'est la vie....